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Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in Georgia

Dealing with substance abuse can be incredibly challenging, both for individuals struggling with addiction and their loved ones. Fortunately, Green Acres Wellness offers substance abuse treatment programs in Georgia to support those seeking recovery.

Our treatment programs offer comprehensive support and care to individuals struggling with addiction, providing access to the resources and guidance needed to achieve lasting sobriety.

To get started, call us at (229) 213-3363 today.

Recognizing Substance Abuse Disorder

It can be challenging to admit to yourself or others that you may be struggling with a substance abuse disorder. However, recognizing the signs of addiction and seeking professional help is essential to recovery.

Signs of Substance Abuse Disorder

If you suspect that you or a loved one may be struggling with addiction, there are several signs and symptoms to look for. These may include:

  • Needing increasingly larger amounts of the substance to achieve the same effect
  • Continuing to use the substance despite adverse consequences
  • Neglecting responsibilities or obligations due to substance use
  • Engaging in risky or dangerous behavior while under the influence
  • Withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop using the substance
  • Social isolation or secretive behavior
  • Financial problems due to substance use

The Importance of Seeking Help

Many people who struggle with addiction may hesitate to seek help because of the stigma surrounding substance abuse or the fear of judgment from family, friends, or co-workers. However, seeking professional help is necessary to ensure you receive the proper treatment and support to overcome your addiction.

Addiction is a progressive disease that can have severe consequences on your physical and emotional health, as well as your relationships and career. Without proper treatment, addiction can spiral out of control, leading to overdose or other life-threatening results.

Getting help for a substance abuse problem gives you the opportunity to rebuild the parts of your life that addiction has damaged and establish healthy behaviors that contribute to your overall satisfaction and well-being. Treatment programs provide you with the resources, support, and confidence to overcome your addiction, identify underlying issues, and develop long-term strategies for success.

Professional treatment options offered by qualified and experienced practitioners can help you mitigate triggers, modify behavioral patterns, and develop strategies to maintain sobriety. With these tools, you can develop new ways of thinking and living that promote a healthier and more rewarding lifestyle.

Remember, seeking help for a substance abuse problem is not a sign of weakness. It is a crucial first step toward a fulfilling and sober life.

Addiction Treatment Programs We Offer

At Green Acres Wellness, we offer a range of addiction treatment programs designed to help those struggling with substance abuse achieve sustainable recovery.

Alcohol Detox

Alcohol detox is a medically supervised program that helps individuals safely withdrawal from alcohol. It involves tapering down to gradually reduce alcohol intake before abstaining entirely, with the help of medication to manage withdrawal symptoms. Our experienced medical professionals provide round-the-clock care, ensuring a safe and comfortable detox process.

Holistic Therapy

At our recovery center, we understand that addiction affects more than just the physical body. Our holistic therapy programs provide opportunities for patients to engage in activities like art therapy, yoga, and meditation to help improve mental health and well-being.

Heroin and Opioid Detox

Heroin and opioid addiction can be particularly challenging to overcome, but our detox program offers a safe and effective solution. Using medication-assisted treatment (MAT), our team helps individuals manage withdrawal symptoms, alleviate cravings, and begin the process of recovery.

Residential Addiction Treatment

Our residential addiction treatment program provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals seeking recovery. This comprehensive program integrates evidence-based treatment with psychotherapeutic interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). It also includes group therapy sessions led by licensed therapists and a range of other therapies, such as art therapy and yoga.

CBT Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy addresses the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that contribute to addiction. It involves identifying triggers and developing coping strategies to manage urges and cravings. CBT is an effective treatment approach that has been shown to help many individuals achieve lasting recovery.

DBT Therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy aims to help individuals develop coping mechanisms for stress and negative emotions that often contribute to addiction. It emphasizes mindfulness, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation. DBT is particularly useful for those with co-occurring mental health conditions.


Recovery does not end after completing an addiction treatment program. Our aftercare program provides ongoing support and resources for long-term recovery.

Personalized Treatment Plans for Lasting Recovery

At Green Acres Wellness, we understand that every individual struggling with addiction has unique needs and challenges. That’s why we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to each client’s specific circumstances. Our team of skilled professionals will work with you to develop an approach to your recovery, addressing not only the physical aspects of addiction but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual components.

Benefits of our personalized treatment plans include:

  • Customized care based on your individual needs
  • Comprehensive approach to recovery, addressing all aspects of addiction
  • Support and guidance from a team of experienced professionals
  • Tools and strategies for long-term sobriety and wellness
  • Opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery

Take the first step towards lasting recovery and wellness by contacting Green Acres Wellness today. Our focus is your recovery, and we are dedicated to helping you make your wellness a priority.

Contact Us to Get Started Today

For compassionate and affordable substance abuse addiction programs in Georgia, count on Green Acres Wellness. Our recovery specialists work with you to create a program that works for you, always supporting, encouraging, and reminding you that you are worthy of respect, recovery, and love. At our facility, you can heal without fearing shame or judgment and work toward life after addiction.

For information on getting started in one of our programs, call us at (229) 213-3363 or contact us online

Our Focus Is Your Recovery

Learn What Sets Green Acres Wellness Apart

Expertly Crafted Treatment Center

Our facility is situated on 9 acres of serene Georgia plains, providing a peaceful and therapeutic environment for individuals to begin their journey towards lasting recovery, surrounded by nature's healing power and our expert care team.

Compassionate Support & Transparency

We understand that the first step is the hardest, and we are here to make it easier by providing a safe and supportive environment that serves as a jumping-off point for individuals to begin their journey toward lasting recovery and growth.

Highly-Trained & Experienced Team

Our team is committed to a compassionate approach to lasting recovery, providing a safe and supportive environment where individuals can heal, grow, and rediscover their true selves with the help of our expert and caring staff.

Individualized Treatment Plans

At Green Acres Wellness, we believe in providing personalized care through individualized treatment plans that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring the highest chance of successful and lasting recovery.

Make Your Wellness Our Priority

We want to work with you to regain the life you deserve. Contact our team today to begin you recovery.
